The latest update to the McAfee anti virus program is available. To install it to your computer please follow the instructions below:
  1. Click on the link below.
  2. When the dialog box ask you to open or save the file, save it to a location on your Computer.
  3. When the download finished, open the folder, double click on the file to execute it (install). Read the pop-up boxes if you haven't done so before, click on the "Next"-button and after the installation on the "Finish"-button.
  4. Please take note of the location where you save the file. Delete the file when finished to prevent unnecessary usage of diskspace.
Security of Computers, networks and data.
To educate yourself in this regard, start reading this:

Virus warnings

Alert ! Memory Sticks
It has come to my attention that a virus is around that affects Memory Sticks / Flash Drives or other Removable storage devices.
In the cases known to me, the Memory stick was no longer usable. The PC did not recognise the Memory stick and even after it was posssible to clean it on an old PC, the new USB 2 ports (newer PC's and Notebooks) still refuses to recognize it as a device."
"Infection occurs when a removable storage device or a mapped drive hosting a copy of W32/Rjump.worm is accessed and the user agrees to the auto run prompt for execution of the worm."
Please use this equipment responsibly. If in doubt, do not plug it into another PC (Computer).

To read more about the virus infecting and damaging Memory Sticks, click here.

If you receive a virus warning via e-mail and it is not coming from the Administrator or the IT personnel, first check if it is not a hoax.

Read what McAfee says about hoaxes. There is also a list of the most common hoaxes.
If still unsure contact Charl du Toit at (051) 405 1562.

Chainletters / Kettingbriewe